Monday, August 24, 2020

Dialogue Activities for ESL Students

Discourse Activities for ESL Students Rehearsing discoursed is an extraordinary route for English understudies to test their aptitudes and build up a superior handle of the language. Discoursed are valuable for various reasons: Discoursed give models on which understudies can base their own conversations.Dialogues power understudies to concentrate on language creation such that causes them practice right usage.Student-made exchanges can be utilized to empower creativity.Dialogues can be utilized as a reason for tuning in to perception works out. Utilizing dialoguesâ to assist understudies with creating theirâ conversation skillsâ is aâ common practice in most English classes. There are various approaches to joining discoursed into study hall exercises. The proposals underneath urge understudies to pretend and practice new tenses, structures, and language capacities. When understudies become acquainted with these new dialect components, they would then be able to utilize the discoursed as models to work on composing and talking all alone. Jargon Exercises Utilizing exchanges canâ help understudies become acquainted with standard recipes used to examine various themes. This is particularly useful while rehearsing new figures of speech and articulations. While these articulations may be straightforward all alone, presenting them through discoursed can help understudies quickly set up the new jargon as a regular occurrence. Separation understudies into sets and give each pair a subject to discuss. Challenge every understudy to fuse a couple of given maxims or articulations into their discourse before time runs out. Hole Fill Exercises Exchanges are ideal for hole fill works out. For instance, take an example exchange and erase catchphrases and expressions from the content. Pick a couple of understudies to peruse the discourse to the remainder of the class, at that point request that different understudies fill in the missing words and expressions. You can likewise have understudies make their own example discoursed and test each other to perceive how well they can fill in the spaces. Discoursed for Role-Playing and Acting Having studentsâ write discoursed for short scenes or dramas causes them center around right articulations, break down language, and build up their composing aptitudes. When understudies have finished their contents, have them showcase their scenes and dramas for the remainder of the class. Exchange Dictations Have understudies compose test exchanges for mainstream TV shows, for example, The Simpsons or The Office. Then again, compose a content all together, and have every understudy be liable for a specific character. This activity concentrates on subtleties as the plot pushes ahead. Retaining Dialogs Have understudies retain basic exchanges as an approach to assist them with improving their jargon abilities. While antiquated, this sort of repetition work can assist understudies with building great propensities as their English abilities improve. Open-Ended Dialogs Make test exchanges that show the expressions of just a single speaker, at that point have understudies total the discoursed utilizing a rundown of reactions youve gave. Another variety is to give just the start or end of a sentence for every speaker. Finishing this sort of open-finished discourse can give a greater test to upper-level English students. Reproducing Scenes Have understudies re-make their preferred scenes from various films. Solicit a gathering from volunteers to showcase a scene before the class, at that point contrast their variant with the first.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Process of Environmental Scanning Essay Example

The Process of Environmental Scanning Essay Example The Process of Environmental Scanning Paper The Process of Environmental Scanning Paper Ecological filtering is a key movement that starts a companys methodology arranging process. The examining must incorporate both outer powers like financial, innovative, political-legitimate, and coloratura just as inner capabilities, for example, esteem, rareness, changelessness, and association so as to be viable (Wheeled Hunger, 2010). This intensive investigation will give an establishment to an organization to construct their arrangement upon. Ecological examining gives an organization their qualities to expand upon, their shortcomings to moderate, their chances to seize, and their dangers to be cautious about. Enormous organizations like Microsoft and Amazon are as yet working and effective today since they take the time and assets to lead visit natural outputs to keep their vital plans pertinent to the ever advancing serious market. Inward and External Environments Environmental checking shows that Microsoft Corporation would have run of the mill inside situations such worker turnover and maintenance, representative assurance, and standard budgetary arranging. Explicit to Microsoft would recruit and holding workers that will help keep Microsoft at the front line of innovation. Bill Gates (2014) vision articulation expresses Our vision is to make inventive innovation that is available to everybody and that adjusts to every individual needs. Open innovation wipes out boundaries for individuals with inabilities and it empowers people to exploit their abilities. This announcement significantly affects inside conditions and vital arranging. Outer Environments for Microsoft Corporation incorporate innovation progression inside the business, rivalry, for example, Apple and Google, and as of late the administration and against trust claims. Microsoft has contributed and sought after a lot of vertical development and has been scrutinized for making a restraining infrastructure too. Inward conditions for Amazon are like those of Microsoft. Amazons statement of purpose is a high arriving at objective, to be Earths most client driven organization, where clients can discover and find anything they should purchase on the web, and tries to offer its clients the least potential costs, (Amazon, 2014). This is the fundamental Internal Environment explicit to Amazon as this drives a considerable lot of the key arranging as it identifies with inner tasks. Outer Environments for Amazon are consumer loyalty, new merchants, new items, and rivalry. Rivalry is presumably the biggest External Environment because of Amazons expansive contribution of items; this ventures into pretty much every industry worldwide and as Amazon expands its contributions it builds the opposition also. Upper hands and Strategies Like numerous different organizations that made progress in the business world, Microsoft rose to the highest point of the product and PC business by means of the correct system for guaranteeing an upper hand. The Microsoft Corporations upper hands incorporate size and strength. The absolute most significant system that the Microsoft Corporation pursued that was essential for speedy benefits is innovative work (RD), which assisted the Microsoft Corporation with growing. Development is a mainstream system on the grounds that bigger organizations will in general endure longer than littler organizations because of the more noteworthy accessibility of monetary assets, hierarchical schedules, and outer ties (Wheeled Hunger, 201 0, Chapter 7). The methodologies that the Microsoft Corporation currently utilizes incorporate a solid brand name, far reaching item portfolio, consideration, and worldwide assorted variety as a methodology for progress (Wheeled Hunger, Chapter 8, 2010). Amazons upper hands incorporate contributing and development. The techniques that Amazon utilizes incorporate an advertising system that worries deals, dispersions, and estimating of products. Johnson (2014), Amazon at its underlying foundations is worked to change. Whenever it discovers chances to serve new clients, or existing clients in new ways, it imagines and fabricates new plans of action to misuse them. Amazon has the one of a kind capacity to dispatch and run totally new sorts of organizations while at the same time separating an incentive from existing organizations (Para. 7). Amazon improves, changing the companys plan of action to keep up an upper hand. Making Value Amazon supports upper hand by offering the comfort of shopping on the web and having items conveyed right to the clients entryway. They likewise offer a wide scope of items from numerous venders that can offer lower costs. Amazon likewise spends significant time in quick delivery and consumer loyalty. Burrs (2003), In request to have an enduring upper hand, it is imperative to build up a serious system that incorporates a wide range of procedures to pick up advantage. The web permits clients to scan for an item and where they can get it at the least cost. In the event that it is turned inside two business days, that is all the more engaging. This administration will keep clients returning for future buys. Amazon has something for everybody, from books to dress, to housewives and staple things. Somebody who is occupied and doesn't have the opportunity to shop can do as such while at work or in a hurry without heading off to the store. As indicated by Microsoft Customer and Partner Experience (2014), Microsoft endeavors to ceaselessly make creative innovation items that change the manner in which individuals work, learn, play, and impart. Microsoft has been one of the pioneers in the PC programming industry. They offer a wide assortment of items from programming to tablets and phones. Their assortment of items can be utilized for individual and business use. They support serious procedure and make an incentive by making new items and administrations that can be utilized at school, work, or for play. Clients are continually searching for the most up to date innovation, the quickest PC, and the best costs. Microsoft ceaselessly rivals different organizations in the innovation business by making their costs sensible for the organization yet reasonable for the client. Estimation Guidelines The estimation rules that the Microsoft Corporation is utilizing to refry its key viability are adjusted scorecards. The fair scorecard is a demonstrated exhibition estimation framework. It is a finished long haul execution the executives framework and approach. Defines, refines and shares technique, for communicating methodology to operational terms, and for measuring the achievement of procedure usage. The fair scorecard activity is fruitful in the perceptible rules for the Microsoft Corporation. They fulfill the guidelines that speak to the time of occasions in its associations continuous improvement despite the fact that it is testing and identifying with the procedure of social change. Microsofts achievement is characterized, with numerous aspects moves toward that help instruction, correspondence, scorecard advancement, and continuous execution. (Bloomfield, c. , 2002) The estimation rules that the Amazon is utilizing to check its key viability is its plausible and unique plan of action that qualities its clients, and works around the evolving market. It is a game plan and a careful recipe revenue driven, which pivoted the decent business of books. Amazon kept on extending past just books and they presently incorporate a wide range of products and enterprises expanding from its focal into close to contiguity. A long time later Amazon grabbed hold of its unfilled space when it concocted another esteemed game plan offering a charge administration for agents, purchasers, and trade-in books dealers. Indeed it moved into its vacant space by developing a framework to render help to particular clients, and outsider venders. Amazon has changed its business from a customer facing facade to exact sorts of administration or merchandise to a few diverse on location divisions just as to outside creatures which structures into a class of numerous merchants under one system, and it gets commissions deals from different organizations. (Johnson, M. W. , 2014) Microsoft and Amazon are fruitful and gainful as a result of their capacity to examine the earth, make esteem and support upper hands, and check their procedures adequacy through estimations. They join these components into their key arranging process. They can abuse their qualities and stay up with the changing innovation market and remain one stride in front of the opposition. New items and administrations are consistently evolved and tried before brought to advertise. Natural filtering is a piece of the explanation these organizations have thrived where others have fizzled.

Friday, July 24, 2020

Sidebar Visiting MIT this summer

Sidebar Visiting MIT this summer Timings for Boston-area Info Sessions Tours, Summer 2005 Find below the timings for information sessions and campus tours at MIt other Boston area colleges frequently visited by our guests. All times listed are for the information session, to be followed by a tour, unless otherwise noted. Generally plan that a session/tour combo will last 2 to 2.5 hours. MIT Red Line: Kendall/MIT 10am and 2pm, Monday-Friday Harvard UniversityRed Line: Harvard10am and 2pm, Monday-Friday Tufts UniversityRed Line: Davis9am, 10:30am, 1:30pm, Monday-Friday Boston UniversityGreen Line: Kenmore Square10am and 2pm, Monday-Friday Boston CollegeGreen Line, B Train: Boston College9:30am, 10:30am, 1:00pm, 2:00pm, Monday-Friday Northeastern UniversityGreen Line, E Train: Northeastern9am, 10am, 2pm, 3pm, Monday-Friday** tours hourly 9am-3pm Wellesley CollegeCommuter rail, Framingham/Worcester Line: Wellesley Square(best visited by car)9am and 1pm Monday-Friday* * tours 9am, 10am, 11am, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm Olin CollegeCommuter Rail, Needham Line: Needham Center, then taxi(best visited by car)2pm Monday-Friday** self-guided tour Brandeis UniversityCommuter Rail, Fitchburg Line: Brandeis/Roberts(best visited by car)10:15am and 2:15pm, Monday-Friday** July August additional tours offered prior to Info Session at 9am and 1pm

Friday, May 22, 2020

Existential Theory Of The Case Of Margarita - 1521 Words

In the case of Margarita, who has been married to her husband for five years which there is a 10-year difference and has two kids, she has had sudden outburst of anger and she gets so mad to the point she is thinking about physically assaulting her husband. She cannot remember what he does to provoke her. Her husband tries to calm her down, she is afraid that he may leave her due to these outbursts. She does not like to be around people, she feels depress every day, only people that see her depress is her family. She feels she needs to put on a fake smile to get her through work. She likes when she is in charge and she has had previously panic attacks and suicidal thoughts. There is no previous sexual or physical abuse. She has had†¦show more content†¦The human nature in Existential theory approach is the understanding that issues are not necessarily fixed for good but comes around when we go through other issues. Individuals are always changing and we ask questions about o urselves as well as other individuals (Corey, 2015). According to this theory approach, there are six dimensions of human conditions, first is being self-aware; the more we know ourselves the more we live and expect more from life, second, freedom and responsibility; we are the only ones who can create our future, our life situations, we have to take responsibility for our actions, third, aim for personal identity and relationship with other individuals; four, look for meaning; individuals go to counseling to seek meaning of what is going on with their lives, existential therapist can help with clients trying to find meaning, fifth, anxiety from personal living condition; and lastly, being aware to death and nonbeing; in the Existential approach, counselors do not see death as negative but see it as part of living. It should help individuals appreciate life more. In Existential theory, the role of the counselor analyzes the client s issues such as death, meaning and issues with love. In this case, Margarita s best friend died and she wish it was her instead of her friend. The counselor

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Macbeth Superstitions - 1109 Words

Macbeth: Superstitions The tragedy of Macbeth was written by Shakespeare in 1606 and produced in 1610. Macbeth is the most concentrated of Shakespeare s tragedies. The action gushes forward with great speed from the beginning to end. The main characters in the play are Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, who are very noble, but their evil ambition ultimately causes their downfall and death. The play focuses around evil, greed and the supernatural. The play was written by Shakespeare for the king at that time, since he was a big believer of witches and the supernatural. Supernatural is classified as the unnatural or the explainable mysteries of our universe. In Shakespeare s time many people would relate many of the unusual happening against the†¦show more content†¦Their powers were in part to tell future events, to create evil and destruction. The witches could not however do fatal harm to their victims. In appearance they were sexless. Banquo says that they should be women but they have a beard. The witches relation to Macbeth is that they represent Macbeth s evil ambition, only Macbeth can see the witches and no one else. Later in the play they lead him to his destruction. They do not guide Macbeth but they only represent his own wishes and thoughts. Shakespeare s witches are a compound of native folklore and classical mythology. They serve demons, for they are summoned by the devil and predict apparitions. They are associated with Hecate, the Greek goddesses of sorcery. Although the witches can foretell the future, the main idea of the play is that Macbeth bears responsibility for his own actions. The witches, and ghosts influence him but do not control his destiny. Superstitions were often believed by many Elizabethans in Shakespeare s time but how are these superstitions used in the play. Superstitions are the unnatural unseen of the universe. Witches were one of these superstitions. Witches are no longer a big thing in today s society but it was a different story for Elizabethans in Shakespeare s time. The witches and other superstitions in the play which include ghosts, destiny and apparitions all have a role in the play about Macbeth. These superstitions were used to entertain the people ofShow MoreRelatedEssay on Superstition in William Shakespeares Macbeth1284 Words   |  6 PagesSuperstition in William Shakespeares Macbeth Throughout Elizabethan times, Witches and witchcraft were considered to be in existence. Seeing a large proportion of the female community being condemned to death, which involved either drowning, hanging or being burnt at the stake was quite plausible at this time. Such savage practices were urged on by macabre and fevered fantasy of the supernaturalRead MoreThe Rituals of an Actor: Biography of David Edwards1527 Words   |  7 Pagesdecades. Mr. Edwards employs both practical and magic rituals to the preparations for his stage performances, and he keeps a good luck charm on his person. His rituals are less extreme than many other stage performers who are extremely observant of superstitions and adamant about preshow rituals. Anthropologists would take note of the greater ritual associated with stage acting than with film acting, as performers feel a lesser need for luck in the mistakes- forgiving world of film. This parallels theRead MoreShakespeare Writes About Issues That Are Still Relevant Today1303 Words   |  6 Pagesand corrupting ambition, a reliance on superstition and gender tell us that the play Macbeth explored themes that are still seen in today’s society. The updated and remade film versions of Macbeth (also known as The Tragedy of Macbeth) and Macbeth (BBC’s Shakespeare’s Re told Series) tell us that people still enjoy watching the issues in Macbeth. And the various schools of thought Psychoanalytical, Feminist, and Marxism tell us that people still care about Macbeth as they argue about the issues. Read More Macbeth: Character Analysis Of Macbeth Essay1040 Words   |  5 Pages Macbeth: Character Analysis of Macbeth nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Macbeth was a true Shakespearean tragic hero. He had many noble qualities as well as several tragic flaws. He was a courageous, brave and good nobleman who was haunted by superstition, moral cowardice and an overwhelming ambition. Progressively through the play, his flaws started consuming his qualities until they are that can be seen of him. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Macbeth was a courageous and strong nobleman. He and BanquoRead More The Curse of Macbeth Essay889 Words   |  4 PagesThe Curse of Macbeth      Ã‚  Ã‚   Macbeth is one of Shakespeares more popular plays, and nearly everyone knows about the abundant blood and gore, the witches, Lady Macbeths ambition, and the ghost of Banquo. However, not as many people know about the superstitions that surround this play.   Theres a long-standing belief that the play is jinxed, than any company that produces it is courting disaster, and that quoting from the play (or even saying the title) leads to serious bad luck.    TheresRead MoreCompare Contrast the Theme of Horror in Frankenstein and Macbeth1651 Words   |  7 Pagesof ‘horror’ in Shakespeare’s Macbeth and Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein The gothic horror genre is a favourite for many readers. We love the suspense and mystery, the desperation, the doom and gloom, the claustrophobia, even the blood. But most of all we love the fear - the feeling we get that gives us pathos with the protagonist that keeps us on the edge of our seats and propels us to turn the page. How do Shelley and Shakespeare provoke our reactions when reading Macbeth (Shakepeare,1606) and FrankensteinRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Macbeth - The Three Weird Sisters1267 Words   |  6 Pagesriots circumventing performances, the imprecation of Macbeth is one of the most enduring superstitions of the stage. Macbeth has an outlandish and hazardous past. This imprecation, so goes the tale, has its roots in the play s occult storyline of witchcraft, murder, and ghosts (Dunning, B). It all commenced when Lady Macbeth’s actor died suddenly in 1606 forcing Shakespeare to find a replacement actor at the last minute ( In Macbeth the three weird sisters known as the witches reflectRead MoreMacbeth739 Words   |  3 PagesSynopsis Macbeth  is a play about a Scottish nobleman who learns, from a prophecy given to him by three witches, that he is to become king. When Macbeths ambition overcomes his moral judgement, he assassinates the reigning king and fulfils the prophecy. In doing so, however, he undermines his own rule with insecurity - insecurity he created when he upset the natural succession to the throne. Beheaded in battle, Macbeths death allows the rightful heir to reclaim the throne and order is restoredRead MoreWilliam Shakespeares Macbeth1401 Words   |  6 PagesWilliam Shakespeares Macbeth At the beginning of the play, before Macbeth is introduced, the impression given is that he is a very good man indeed. It is as if he was a local hero and could do no wrong. The sergeant refers to him as brave Macbeth and Duncan says O valiant cousin! Worthy gentleman! Duncan, the king, rewards Macbeth with the title, thane of Cawder, and the previous, treacherous thane having been sentenced to death. People speak of MacbethsRead MoreThe Horror Of William Shakespeare s Macbeth1409 Words   |  6 Pageshorror films with unique plotlines and crazy ideas. Although the superstitions and beliefs of the old century still lives, the horror of today is not the same as the horror of yesterday, such as Shakespeare’s abominable works. Macbeth is a dark and horror play written by the great William Shakespeare in the 1600s. Like any other of his plays, it has also gained a crowd of audience and was performed in front of kings. Shakespeare’s Macbeth returns back to the Scottish history during the eleventh century

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

America as a Land of Prosperity in the 1920’s Free Essays

America as a Land of Prosperity in the 1920’s is the story of Americans who searched for equality. Yes, for some individuals America was a land of prosperity in the 1920’s. The First World War sparked Americas rise in prosperity. We will write a custom essay sample on America as a Land of Prosperity in the 1920’s or any similar topic only for you Order Now As no fighting took place on American soil there were virtually no reparations to be paid, also America had entered the war late and therefore, had not spent nearly as much money as the big European countries such as France, Britain, and Germany. This left America in a very prosperous position. Another key reason to Americas rise in prosperity was a man named Henry Ford. Henry Ford was a car producer who thought of the â€Å"mass production† method. This method used assembly line techniques, whereby each stage of the car production was carried out by a different team of workers who specialized souly in their specific area. This had a huge impact! The method was introduced in 1913 and by 1929; 26 million cars were registered in the U. S. A compared to only 9 million in 1920. That is an increase of nearly 300% in just 9 years! However, the benefits of the ford company stretched beyond just the automobile industry during the 1920’s, people also started moving into the cities from the rural areas. In 1920 more than 50% of people lived in the cities which were an increase of more than 50%. Another reason for the rise in prosperity was the introduction of hire-purchase, whereby you put a deposit down on an item that you wanted, and paid installments on that item with interest, so you would pay back more than the price for the item. High purchases were easy to get and people got into debt without any real planning for the future. In the 1920’s it just seemed to be the case, that if you wanted something, then you got it, this had a major economic impact; somebody had to make what was bought. This was the era before robot technology and work done by laborers. The person who made that product would get paid and he would not save all of the money. He, too, would spend some of it, and someone else; would have to make more items, so he would get paid and so the cycle continued. By the mid-1920’s America was booming. Sales of items, which were once, were considered a luxury such as radios, cars, and other new-on-the market items had rocketed, as had both the average and the minimum wage. The average annual wage for that decade was $1236. 00, a huge increase. Perhaps the fact that highlights most America’s rise in prosperity is between 1919 and 1929 Americas GNP rose from 72. 4 billion (1919) to 104 billion (1929) which is around a 75% increase. The boom also led to record low unemployment levels. This was due to the growth of many other businesses and the demand for more workers. The 1920’s also saw the construction of towering skyscraper such as the Chrysler building for the first time. However, not all businesses and cultures shared in this â€Å"prosperity†. The farming industry was hit hard, particularly in the south, as some northern farmers found prosperity due to the increase in the demand for fresh fruit as more people could afford, no thanks to the rise in wages. The farmers earned very little money as a result, lived a very poor lifestyle with poor housing; no fresh water and some even faced eviction from their homes. The farmers did not share in the prosperity mainly because of the loss of the foreign markets. (The Fordney-Mcumber tariff act, put tariffs on imported goods at an all time high causing foreign countries to apply the same tariffs to America) Many blacks did not share in the prosperity either. They were discriminated by the White Americans who claimed they were â€Å"polluting their country†. As a result of this, many black people living in slums or â€Å"ghettos† as they were named. In 1926 a survey found that there were over 200,000 unemployed black people in the south alone. America even had its own low-grade facilities for black people and white people to use. For example, white and colored drinking taps with the white drinking tap being of the higher standard. These laws were referred to as Jim Crow laws. But through all the intolerance some black people did do well and did prosper. Black musicians, poets, and politicians emerged. One of the most famous politicians of his time was Marcus Garvey. Garvey was the founder member of the UNIA (Universal Negro Improvement Association), which encouraged black people. Garvey eventually got deported back to Jamaica for Tax fraud. Other Immigrants such as Mexicans and Italians also suffered similarly hard times. Millions of immigrants were allowed into America in the 1900’s, where free land and job opportunity became available, but towards the end of the 1920’s this was not so much the case. America was letting more and more immigrants in and it had to stop. They devised a literacy test to bring the numbers down. But problems existed with the immigrants that were already in the country. The number of job opportunities had fallen and the majority of migrants were competing for the lowest paid jobs. This often led to racial tension within the ethnic groups. So to sum things up, in general America was a land of prosperity, but weather you shared in this prosperity or not depended largely on your ethnic background and location in the country you lived. We’re still faced with a matter of equality today; People with diverse ethnic backgrounds still are not privilege to being treating equal. They continue to find a way to prevail in America regardless of the laws that government themselves make available only for those who seek a higher power or level of authority. Therefore, the question still remain, is America as a Land of Prosperity? How to cite America as a Land of Prosperity in the 1920’s, Papers

Monday, April 27, 2020

Monsoon Maladies Essay Example

Monsoon Maladies Essay Monsoon maladies – Enemies in the Rain Monsoon brings with it the much-awaited relief from the long spell of sultry, scorching summer. When the season of rains people are all set to enjoy it to the hilt irrespective of their age. There are people whose idea of enjoying the drizzle is gorging on their favorite ‘pakoras’ and ‘chai’, while watching the lovely weather from the comfort of their homes. while there are also people who want to go out and enjoy the season dancing in the rain. Children love to jump on the logged waters, splash it on each other and sail paper boats. All these are such merry-making thoughts. However the cooling showers bring with them an increased susceptibility to a lot of diseases that are peculiar to the monsoon. It is time we get our safeguards ready and gear ourselves up to face monsoon in its full glory. Doctors have said that this cool climate contributes to the survival of the ultramicroscopic infectious agents in the environment. Children are the most susceptible to these diseases. In India, cities are developing haphazardly thereby causing lack of sewage facilities and adequate drainage system; due to unhygienic and poor sanitation conditions the diseases are striking. The residents are drinking contaminated water due to leakages in the drinking water lines. Diseases that are spread during monsoon are basically water borne and gastrointestinal infections. Typhoid and Diarrhea are common. Accumulation of water on the roads promotes the growth of the mosquitoes causing malaria and dengue. Also diseases like dryness, spasmodic pain, high blood pressure, gas formation and gastric disturbances occur frequently. Also one comes across cases of fever and coughs and colds. Here are top 6 sinister monsoon-related diseases which we shall broadly explore: 1. We will write a custom essay sample on Monsoon Maladies specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Monsoon Maladies specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Monsoon Maladies specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Fever 2. Common cold 3. Malaria 4. Dengue fever 5. Diarrhea 6. Typhoid What is a fever? Fever is the most common phenomena observed during monsoon. Right from an infant to an old man, anyone can be its victim. Fever refers to an elevation in body temperature. Technically, any body temperature above the normal oral measurement of 98. 6 F (37 C) or the normal rectal temperature of 99 F (37. 2 C) is considered to be elevated. However, these are averages, and ones normal body temperature may actually be 1 F (0. 6 C) or more above or below the average of 98. F. Body temperature can also vary up to 1 F (0. 6 C) throughout the day. Fever is not considered medically significant until body temperature is above 100. 4 F (38 C). Anything above normal but below 100. 4 F (38 C) is considered a low-grade fever. Fever serves as one of the bodys natural defenses against bacteria and viruses which cannot live at a higher temperature. For that reason, low fevers should normally go untreated, unless ac companied by troubling symptoms. Also, the bodys defense mechanisms seem to work more efficiently at a higher temperature. Fever is just one part of an illness, many times no more important than the presence of other symptoms such as cough, sore throat, fatigue, joint pains or aches, chills, nausea, etc. Fever of 104 Fahrenheit or higher in adults demand immediate home treatment and subsequent medical attention. Such high fever can result in delirium and convulsions, particularly in infants and children. Fever should not be confused with hyperthermia, which is a defect in bodys response to heat (thermoregulation), which can also raise the body temperature. This is usually caused by external sources such as being in a hot environment. Signs and symptoms There are different symptoms of a fever. The symptoms of a fever depend on what is causing it. Sometimes a fever can cause a chill. A chill occurs because when the brain raises the bodys thermostat, the body responds by shivering to raise the temperature. Shivering produces heat in the body. Once the temperature goes up, the person often feels warm. When the fever goes away, the person may start to sweat. Viral fever can remain for 3 to 4 days. The symptoms are: †¢ fever headache †¢ nose flow †¢ joint pain †¢ muscular pain Risks during a Fever The main risk of mild or moderate fevers is dehydration. When a person has a fever, they need more fluids than usual. A fever greater than 106 degrees Fahrenheit can result in brain damage and possibly death. Fevers greater than 106 degrees are very unusual. Diagnosis A thermometer is used to measure the body temperature. The te mperature can be taken in the mouth, rectum, ear, or under the arm. Generally, hands amp; foot of children remain cold during fever, but their forehead amp; stomach remains hot. What is the treatment for a fever? Generally, if the fever does not cause discomfort, the fever itself need not be treated. It is not necessary to awaken an adult or child to treat a fever unless instructed to do so by your health-care practitioner. The following fever-reducing medications may be used at home: * Ibuprofen can also be used to break a fever in patients over 6 months of age. Discuss the best dose with your doctor. For adults, 400-600 mg can be used every six hours. * Aspirin and Paracetamol should not be used for fever in children or adolescents. Aspirin use in children and adolescents during a viral illness causes prolonged vomiting, confusion, and even coma and liver failure. An individual with a fever should be kept comfortable and not overdressed. Overdressing can cause the temperature to rise further. Tepid water [30 C] baths are a home remedy that may help bring down a fever. When and how to keep water bands If the fever is up to 100 degree, then it can be cured at home by using water bands. One should use normal water for bands. The bands get hot after keeping on the body, so keep them for just a minute. If the whole body is warm along with the forehead, then sponge the whole body with cloth squeezed from normal water. Prevention Fever cannot be prevented in almost 99% cases. However, a good nutrition can prevent it to an extent. When should one seek medical care for a fever? 1. Any child below 3 months of age who has a temperature of 100. 4 F (38 C) or greater should be seen by a physician or other health-care worker. 2. If a child or adult has a history or diagnosis of cancer, AIDS, or other serious illness, such as heart disease, diabetes, or is taking drugs, medical care should be sought for a fever. . Otherwise, observe the person with the fever. If they appear sick or have symptoms that would suggest a major illness, such as meningitis, urinary tract infection, pneumonia or any other signs of a serious illness, doctor should be consulted. 4. Other symptoms that may be indicative of a severe illness include repeated vomiting, severe diarrhea, or skin rashes 5. Fever blisters are small blisters that turn into ulcers, usually on the lips, mouth or tongue that are caused by a virus. When a child contracts this virus for the first time, the symptoms and the fever blisters can be quite severe. . On the other hand, if the fever accompanies a simple cold or virus, then the fever is only a symptom of the illness. But if there are other associated symptoms that are bothersome, doctor should be consulted. 7. Some vaccines given in childhood can cause a low-grade fever within a day or two of getting the injection. This fever is usually self-limited and short-lived. If the reaction seems severe or the skin at the injection site is red, hot, and painful, doctor’s help is needed. Fever at a Glance Although a fever could be considered any body temperature above the normal 98. 6 F (37 C), medically, a person is not considered to have a significant fever until the temperature is above 100. 4 F (38. 0 C). * Most fever is beneficial, causes no prob lems, and helps the body fight off infections. The main reason for treating a fever is to increase comfort. * Children under 3 months of age with a temperature of 100. 4 F (38. 0 C) or greater should be seen by a health-care provider. They may be quite ill and not show any signs or symptoms besides a fever. Infants less than 6 weeks of age should be seen immediately by their doctor. * Ibuprofen can be used to treat a fever. Aspirin and Paracetamol should not be used in children or adolescents to control fever. What is the common cold? This is the most common disease that catches people cutting across age lines. You get wet and you’ve got it. Though it is difficult to forgo the temptation of dancing in the rain, this joy is likely to get you common cold. Common cold is observed during the initial period of monsoon due to the sudden change in weather. The common cold, also known as a viral upper respiratory tract infection, is a self-limited contagious illness that can be caused by a number of different types of viruses The common cold is the most frequently occurring illness in India, and it is a leading cause of doctor visits and missed days from school and work. Causes More than 200 different types of viruses are known to cause the common cold. Because so many different viruses can cause a cold and because new cold viruses constantly develop, the body never builds up resistance against all of them. For this reason, colds are a frequent and recurring problem. In fact, children in preschool and elementary school can have three to 12 colds per year while adolescents and adults typically have two to four colds per year. Symptoms Symptoms of the common cold usually begin 2 to 3 days after infection and often include: * Mucus buildup in your nose * Difficulty breathing through your nose * Swelling of your sinuses * Sneezing * Sore throat * Cough * Headache Fever is usually slight but can climb to 102 degrees Fahrenheit in infants and young children. Cold symptoms can last from 2 to 14 days, but like most people, you’ll probably recover in a week. If symptoms recur often or last much longer than 2 weeks, you might have an allergy rather than a cold. How does common cold spread? The common cold is usually spread by direct hand-to-hand contact with infected secretions or from contaminated surfaces. For example, if a person with a cold blows or touches their nose and then touches someone else, that person can subsequently become infected with the virus. Additionally, a cold virus can live on objects such as pens, books, telephones, computer keyboards, and coffee cups for several hours and can thus be acquired from contact with these objects. What is the difference between the common cold and influenza (the flu)? Many people confuse the common cold with influenza (the flu). Influenza is caused by the influenza virus, while the common cold generally is not. While some of the symptoms of the common cold and influenza may be similar, patients with the common cold typically have a milder illness. Patients with influenza are usually sicker and have a more abrupt onset of illness with fever, chills, headache, body aches, dry cough, and extreme weakness. Though differentiating between the common cold and influenza can be difficult, there is laboratory testing available to confirm the diagnoses of influenza. Treatment There is no cure for the common cold. Home treatment is directed at alleviating the symptoms associated with the common cold and allowing this self-limiting illness to run its course. But one can get relief from your cold symptoms by: * Resting in bed. Drinking plenty of fluids. * Gargling with warm salt water or using throat sprays or lozenges for a scratchy or sore throat. * Cough drops and cough syrups * Using petroleum jelly for a raw nose. * Saline sprays and a humidifier may also be beneficial. Are antibiotics a suitable treatment for the common cold? Antibiotics play no role in treating the common cold. Antibiotics are effective only against illnesses caused by bacteria, and colds are caused by viruses. Not only do antibiotics not help, but they can also cause allergic reactions that can be fatal (1:40,000). Furthermore, using antibiotics when they are not necessary has led to the growth of several strains of common bacteria that have become resistant to certain antibiotics). For these and other reasons, it is important to limit the use of antibiotics to situations in which they are medically indicated. Though occasionally a bacterial infection, such as sinusitis or a middle ear infection can develop following a cold, treatment with antibiotics should be left at the discretion of your physician or health-care practitioner. When should a doctor or other health-care practitioner be consulted? Generally speaking, the common cold can be treated at home and managed with over-the-counter medications. However, if one develops more severe symptoms such as shaking chills, high fever (greater than 102 F), severe headache or neck stiffness, nausea, vomiting, difficulty breathing or chest pain, physician or health-care practitioner should be consulted immediately. If there are sore throat and a fever with no other cold symptoms, then one should be seen by your physician. This illness may be strep throat, a bacterial infection requiring treatment with antibiotics. Finally, if one notices facial pain or yellow/green drainage from your nose accompanied by a fever, it is possible that they have a sinus infection (sinusitis) that would benefit from a medical evaluation and a possible course of antibiotics. Prevention The most important measure to prevent the common cold is frequent hand washing, as this can destroy viruses that you have acquired from touching contaminated surfaces. Also, try to avoid sharing utensils and try to use disposable items (such as disposable cups) if someone in your family has a cold. Finally, lifestyle modifications such as smoking cessation and stress management may decrease your susceptibility to acquiring the common cold. Common Cold at a Glance * The common cold is caused by many different viruses. * Being in cold weather does not cause the common cold. * There are effective over-the-counter medications for treatment of the common cold. * Antibiotics do not help the common cold. * The common cold can generally be managed at home. What is Malaria? Malaria is an infectious disease caused by a parasite, Plasmodium, which infects red blood cells. Malaria is characterized by cycles of chills, fever, pain and sweating. Historical records suggest malaria has infected humans since the beginning of mankind. The name mal aria (meaning bad air in Italian) was first used in English in 1740 by H. Walpole when describing the disease. In 1889, R. Ross discovered that mosquitoes transmitted malaria. Of the four species of malaria, the most serious type is Plasmodium falciparum malaria. It can be life-threatening. The other three species of malaria (P. vivax, P. malariae, and P. ovale) are generally less serious and are not life-threatening. Malaria is still a very deadly disease that affects many areas of the world, including India. Malaria is spread by parasite-carrying mosquitoes. Malaria causes fever, chills, sweats, headache, body ache, nausea, vomiting and fatigue. How is malaria transmitted? The life cycle of the parasite is complicated and involves two hosts, humans and Anopheles mosquitoes. The disease is transmitted to humans when an infected Anopheles mosquito bites a person and injects the malaria parasites (sporozoites) into the blood. Sporozoites travel through the bloodstream to the liver, mature, and eventually infect the human red blood cells. While in red blood cells, the parasites again develop until a mosquito takes a blood meal from an infected human and ingests human red blood cells containing the parasites. Then the parasites reach the Anopheles mosquitos stomach and eventually invade the mosquito salivary glands. When an Anopheles mosquito bites a human, these sporozoites complete and repeat the complex Plasmodium life cycle. P. ovale and P. vivax can further complicate the cycle by producing dormant stages (hypnozoites) that may not develop for weeks to years. Symptoms Symptoms of malaria can begin as early as six to eight days after a bite by an infected mosquito. They include: * High fever (up to 105 degrees Fahrenheit) with shaking chills * Profuse sweating when the fever suddenly drops * Fatigue * Headache * Muscle aches * Abdominal discomfort * Nausea, vomiting * Feeling faint when you stand up or sit up quickly Incubation period The period between the mosquito bite and the onset of the malarial illness is usually one to three weeks (seven to 21 days). This initial time period is highly variable as reports suggest that the range of incubation periods may range from four days to one year. The usual incubation period may be increased when a person has taken an inadequate course of malaria prevention medications. Certain types of malaria (P. vivax and P. ovale) parasites can also take much longer, as long as eight to 10 months, to cause symptoms. These parasites remain dormant (inactive or hibernating) in the liver cells during this time. Unfortunately, some of these dormant parasites can remain even after a patient recovers from malaria, so the patient can get sick again. This situation is termed relapsing malaria. Treatment Three main factors determine treatments: * The infecting species of Plasmodium parasite * the clinical situation of the patient (for example, adult, child, or pregnant female with either mild or severe malaria) * The drug susceptibility of the infecting parasites. Drug susceptibility is determined by the geographic area where the infection was acquired. Different areas of India have malaria types that are resistant to certain medications. The correct drugs for each type of malaria must be prescribed by a doctor who is familiar with malaria treatment protocols. Since people infected with P. falciparum malaria can die (often because of delayed treatment), immediate treatment for P. falciparum malaria is necessary. Mild malaria can be treated with oral medication; severe malaria requires intravenous (IV) drug treatment and fluids. Drug treatment of malaria is not always easy. There are specialized labs that can test the patients parasites for resistance, but this is not done frequently. Consequently, treatment is usually based on the majority of Plasmodium species diagnosed and its general drug-resistance pattern for the country. Is malaria a particular problem during pregnancy? Yes. Malaria may pose a serious threat to a pregnant woman and her pregnancy. Malaria infection in pregnant women may be more severe than in women who are not pregnant. Malaria may also increase the risk of problems with the pregnancy, including prematurity, abortion, and stillbirth. Treatment of malaria in the pregnant female is similar to the usual treatment described above Is malaria a particular problem for children? Yes. All children, including young infants, living in or traveling to malaria-risk areas should take anti-malarial drugs. Although the recommendations for most anti-malarial drugs are the same as for adults, it is crucial to use the correct dosage for the child. The dosage of drug depends on the age and weight of the child. Since an overdose of an anti-malarial drug can be fatal, all anti-malarial (and all other) drugs should be stored in childproof containers well out of the childs reach. How can one keep from getting malaria? If you are traveling to an area known to have malaria, find out which medications you need to take, and take them as prescribed. Current CDC recommendations suggest individuals begin taking anti-malarial drugs about one to two weeks before traveling to a malaria infested area and for four weeks after leaving the area. Your doctor, travel clinic, or the health department can advise you as to what medicines to take to keep from getting malaria. Currently, there is no vaccine available for malaria, but researchers are trying to develop one. Precautions If possible, avoid travel to or through countries where malaria occurs. If you must go to areas where malaria occurs, take the prescribed preventive medicine. In addition, the 2008 CDC international travel recommendations suggest the following precautions be taken in malaria infested areas: * Avoid exposure to mosquitoes during the early morning and early evening hours between the hours of dusk and dawn (the hours of greatest mosquito activity). * Wear appropriate clothing (long-sleeved shirts and long pants, for examples) especially when you are outdoors. * Apply insect repellent to the exposed skin. The CDC recommended insect repellent should contains up to 50% DEET (N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide), which is the most effective mosquito repellent for adults and children over 2 months of age. Spray mosquito repellents on clothing to prevent mosquitoes from biting through thin clothing. * Use a permethrin-coated (or similar repellant) mosquito net over your all beds. * Have screens over cover windows and doors. * Spray permethrin or a similar insecticide in the bedroom before going to bed. Malaria at a Glance * Malaria is an infectious disease caused by a parasite, Plasmodium, which infects red blood cells. * The life cycle involves two hosts, humans and Anopheles mosquitoes. * Fever at regular intervals, bouts of shivering, muscle pain and weakness are the symptoms that a patient shows while suffering from Malaria. The incubation period is usually one to three weeks * Since this disease is spread by mosquitoes, so mosquito repellents and nets should be used to prevent it. Also make sure that water does not stagnate in your area as mosquitoes breed in stagnant water. What is dengue fever? Dengue fever is a disease caused by a family of viruses that are transmitted by mosquitoes. Dengue is caused by the biting of female Aedes Aegypti mosquito. These mosquitoes have stripes like tiger on their body. They bite in the day time, esp. in the morning. Den gue strikes people with low levels of immunity. Because it is caused by one of four serotypes of virus, it is possible to get dengue fever multiple times. However, an attack of dengue produces immunity for a lifetime to that particular serotype to which the patient was exposed. Dengue goes by other names, including breakbone or dandy fever. Dengue hemorrhagic fever is a more severe form of the viral illness. Types of dengue It’s of three types: †¢ Classical (Normal) Dengue †¢ Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) †¢ Dengue Shock Syndrome (DSS) When it spreads Dengue spreads mostly in the months of July to October because this season has favorable conditions for their flourish. How is dengue fever contracted? The virus is contracted from the bite of a striped Aedes aegypti mosquito that has previously bitten an infected person. The mosquito flourishes during rainy seasons but can breed in water-filled flower pots, plastic bags, and cans year-round. One mosquito bite can inflict the disease. The virus is not contagious and cannot be spread directly from person to person. There must be a person-to-mosquito-to-another-person pathway. How it spreads Dengue virus spreads very fast in the blood of dengue patient. When any dengue mosquito bits such dengue patient and sucks his blood, then the dengue virus enters in his (mosquito) body also. Thereafter, when such mosquito bites any other person, then that person also get infected with the dengue virus. Symptoms and Signs After being bitten by a mosquito carrying the virus, the incubation period ranges from three to 15 (usually five to eight) days before the signs and symptoms of dengue appear. Classical Dengue Fever The infection period can be of 5 to 10 days. The fever can be identified with the help of following symptoms. †¢ Sudden high fever after feeling old. Headache, muscular pain, joint pain. †¢ Pain in the back area of eyes which increases with the movement of eyes. †¢ Extreme weakness, loss of appetite, vomiting sensation, loss of taste. †¢ Mild pain in throat. †¢ Rashes of pinkish red color on the body, esp. face, neck and chest. Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) †¢ Bleeding from nose and gums. †¢ Blood in vomit or stool. †¢ Spots of blackish blue color on skin. Dengue Shock Syndrome (DSS) This fever some symptoms of ‘shock’ in addition to the symptoms of DHF, like: †¢ the patient feels very restless and his skin remains cold in spite of high fever. †¢ He loses consciousness slowly. The pulse rate keeps on fluctuating. Blood pressure falls down. Treatment Because dengue fever is caused by a virus, there is no specific medicine or antibiotic to treat it. For typical dengue, the treatment is purely concerned with relief of the symptoms (symptomatic). Rest and fluid intake for adequate hydration is important. Aspirin and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs should only be taken under a doctors supervision because of the possibility of worsening hemorrhagic complications. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) and codeine may be given for severe headache and for the joint and muscle pain (myalgia). Prevention The transmission of the virus to mosquitoes must be interrupted to prevent the illness. To this end, patients are kept under mosquito netting until the second bout of fever is over and they are no longer contagious. The prevention of dengue requires control or eradication of the mosquitoes carrying the virus that causes dengue. In nations plagued by dengue fever, people are urged to empty stagnant water from old tires, trash cans, and flower pots. Governmental initiatives to decrease mosquitoes also help to keep the disease in check but have been poorly effective. To prevent mosquito bites, wear long pants and long sleeves. For personal protection, use mosquito repellant sprays that contain DEET when visiting places where dengue is endemic. Limiting exposure to mosquitoes by avoiding standing water and staying indoors two hours after sunrise and before sunset will help. The Aedes aegypti mosquito is a daytime biter with peak periods of biting around sunrise and sunset. It may bite at any time of the day and is often hidden inside homes or other dwellings, especially in urban areas. There is currently no vaccine available for dengue fever. There is a vaccine undergoing clinical trials, but it is too early to tell if it will be safe or effective. Early results of clinical trials show that a vaccine may be available by 2012. There is currently no vaccine or drug available to prevent infection. Dengue Fever at a Glance * Dengue fever is a disease caused by a family of viruses that are transmitted by mosquitoes. * Symptoms such as headache, fever, exhaustion, severe joint and muscle pain, swollen glands and rash. The presence of fever, rash, and headache (and other pains) is particularly characteristic of dengue fever. Dengue is prevalent throughout the tropics and subtropics. Outbreaks have occurred recently in the Caribbean, including Puerto Rico, the U. S. Virgin Islands, Cuba, and Central America. * Because dengue fever is caused by a virus, there is no specific medicine or antibiotic to treat it. For typical dengue fever, the treatment is purely concerned with relief of the symptoms (symptomatic). * The acute phase of the illness with fever and myalgias lasts about one to two weeks. * Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) is a specific syndrome that tends to affect children under 10 years of age. It causes abdominal pain, hemorrhage (bleeding), and circulatory collapse (shock). * The prevention of dengue fever requires control or eradication of the mosquitoes carrying the virus that causes dengue. * There is currently no vaccine available for dengue fever. What is diarrhea? Diarrhea is an increase in the frequency of bowel movements or a decrease in the form of stool (greater looseness of stool). Although changes in frequency of bowel movements and looseness of stools can vary independently of each other, changes often occur in both. Diarrhea is more frequent and more liquid bowel movements than normal. Diarrhea often is caused by an infection with bacteria, viruses or a parasite. Bacteria cause diarrhea either by invading the intestine or by producing a toxin that makes the intestine secrete more water. When the diarrhea is caused by food contaminated with bacteria or parasites, people often refer to this as food poisoning. Types of Diarrhea Diarrhea generally is divided into two types, acute and chronic. * Acute diarrhea lasts from a few days up to a week. * Chronic diarrhea can be defined in several ways but almost always lasts more than three weeks. It is important to distinguish between acute and chronic diarrhea because they usually have different causes, require different diagnostic tests, and require different treatment. Symptoms People with diarrhea usually have loose, watery stools. Less commonly, people pass frequent, small amounts of loose stool with mucous and blood. Other symptoms can include: * Abdominal pain and cramping * Vomiting * Fever * Chills * Bloody stools * Lack of bowel control Frequent vomiting and diarrhea can lead to dehydration (abnormally low levels of body water) if too much fluid is lost from the body. Signs of dehydration include: * Dry mouth * Thirst * Dry eyes * Infrequent urination Causes A. Causes of acute diarrhea The most common cause of acute diarrhea is infectionviral, bacterial, and parasitic. Bacteria also can cause acute food poisoning. A third important cause of acute diarrhea is starting a new medication. * Viral gastroenteritis Viral gastroenteritis (viral infection of the stomach and the small intestine) is the most common cause of acute diarrhea worldwide. Patients with viral gastroenteritis usually do not have blood or pus in their stools and have little if any fever. Food poisoning Food poisoning is a brief illness that is caused by toxins produced by bacteria. The toxins cause abdominal pain (cramps) and vomiting and also cause the small intestine to secrete large amounts of water that leads to diarrhea. * Travelers diarrhea Tourists visiting foreign countries with warm climates and poor sanitation can acquire ETEC (a kind of bacteria) by eating contaminated foo ds such as fruits, vegetables, seafood, and raw meat, water, and ice cubes. Toxins produced by ETEC cause the sudden onset of diarrhea.. * Drugs Drug-induced diarrhea is very common because many drugs cause diarrhea. The medications that most frequently cause diarrhea are antacids and nutritional supplements that contain magnesium. Causes of chronic diarrhea * Irritable bowel syndrome It is a functional cause of diarrhea or constipation. It may be caused by several different underlying problems, but it is believed that the most common cause is rapid passage of the intestinal contents through the colon. * Infectious diseases like AIDS often have chronic infections of their intestines that cause diarrhea. Bacterial overgrowth of the small intestine When should the doctor be called for diarrhea? Most episodes of diarrhea are mild and of short duration and do not need to be brought to the attention of a doctor. The doctor should be consulted when there is: * High fever * Moderate or severe abdominal pain or tenderness * Bloody diarrhea that suggests severe intestinal inflammation * Diarrhea in persons with serious underlying illn ess for example, persons

Thursday, March 19, 2020

The Require Method in Ruby

The Require Method in Ruby In order to create reusable components, ones that can be easily used in other programs, a programming language must have some way of smoothly importing that code at run-time. In Ruby, the require method is used to load another file and execute all its statements. This serves to import all class and method definitions in the file. In addition to simply executing all of the statements in the file, the require method also keeps track of which files have been previously required and, thus, will not require a file twice. Using the 'require' Method The require method takes the name of the file to require, as a string, as a single argument. This can either be a path to the file, such as ./lib/some_library.rb or a shortened name, such as some_library. If the argument is a path and complete filename, the require method will look there for the file. However, if the argument is a shortened name, the require method will search through a number of pre-defined directories on your system for that file. Using the shortened name is the most common way of using the require method. The following example demonstrates how to use the require statement. The file test_library.rb is in the first code block. This file prints a message and defines a new class. The second code block is the file test_program.rb. This file loads the test_library.rb file using the require method and creates a new TestClass object. puts test_library includedclass TestClassdef initializeputs TestClass object createdendend #!/usr/bin/env rubyrequire test_library.rbt Avoid Name Clashes When writing reusable components, its best not to declare many variables in the global scope outside any classes or methods or by using the $ prefix. This is to prevent something called namespace pollution. If you declare too many names, another program or library might declare the same name and cause a name clash. When two completely unrelated libraries start changing each others variables accidentally, things will break seemingly at random. This is a very difficult bug to track down and its best just to avoid it. To avoid name clashes, you can enclose everything in your library inside of a module statement. This will require people to refer to your classes and method by a fully qualified name such as MyLibrary::my_method, but its worth it since name clashes generally wont occur. For people who want to have all of your class and method names in the global scope, they can do that using the include statement. The following example repeats the previous example but encloses everything in a MyLibrary module. Two versions of my_program.rb are given; one that uses the include statement and one that does not. puts test_library includedmodule MyLibraryclass TestClassdef initializeputs TestClass object createdendendend #!/usr/bin/env rubyrequire test_library2.rbt #!/usr/bin/env rubyrequire test_library2.rbinclude MyLibraryt Avoid Absolute Paths Because reusable components often get moved around, its also best not to use absolute paths in your require calls. An absolute path is a path like /home/user/code/library.rb. Youll notice that the file must be in that exact location in order to work. If the script is ever moved or your home directory ever changes, that require statement will stop working. Instead of absolute paths, its often common to create a ./lib directory in your Ruby programs directory. The ./lib directory is added to the $LOAD_PATH variable which stores the directories in which the require method searches for Ruby files. After that, if the file my_library.rb is stored in the lib directory, it can be loaded into your program with a simple require my_library statement. The following example is the same as the previous test_program.rb examples. However, it assumes the test_library.rb file is stored in the ./lib directory and loads it using the method described above. #!/usr/bin/env ruby$LOAD_PATH ./librequire test_library.rbt

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

How to write for non-accountants - Emphasis

How to write for non-accountants How to write for non-accountants Finance is a murky place for many people. Money comes into the bank account and it goes out again. And the process in between is something of a mystery. But even if your clients are financially savvy, it can still be difficult to explain money matters. Accounting has its own language and is often riddled with jargon that even experienced business people can sometimes find difficult to understand. (I know: Im one of them.) Writing financial information in accountingese can waste time and money. If your clients are unclear about what your figures mean, theyll ask for further clarification. A single document could lead to several hours of unnecessary (and frustrating) follow-up phone calls. Thats one reason why the tide is turning in the financial industry. Leading firms such as Deloitte, Ernst Young and Grant Thornton have commissioned specialist writing training programmes. And more accounting firms are following suit, adopting plain English in all their written communications. The other is that the Financial Services Authority keeps a watchful eye on adverts for financial products and services that are misleading. So as a finance professional, you still have to make sure your writing is not just legal, but effective. Here are six steps to clear client communication. One: put your reader first Many accountants overestimate the knowledge their clients have. Even if you have been working with a client for many years, theres no guarantee they really understand the nuances of finance. Get back to basics by asking yourself the following questions: What is the document about? Who will read it? How much do they already know about the subject? What do they absolutely need to know? How important is the subject to them? How interested are they in the subject? Use the answers as a guideline for the amount of detail that you need to include in your document. Two: avoid a mind-dump of ideas Whether youre writing an email, contract or report, do plenty of ground work before putting pen to paper. Brainstorm all your ideas using a mind map and then put your points in order of importance. If youre having trouble getting started, ask yourself the questions: Who? What? Where? When? and Why? Becoming clear in your thinking helps you to create clearly structured documents that are easy to follow. Three: communicate technical terms in plain English Financial abbreviations and other technical terms can be useful when communicating with colleagues but they can confuse clients. For example, the term accrual rate may seem simple but it still needs to be accompanied by an explanation of how the interest is built up. Similarly, never assume that your clients will understand terms such as smoothing, arbitration and cap and collar rate. You dont need to dumb down your writing, just make sure you provide clear, concise explanations. Four: avoid verbosity Often though its the words in between the jargon that cause the problem. Never add in redundant words into your writing. For example, I herein enclose details of your asset classes for the aforesaid investment, as requested sounds complicated, archaic and stilted. A much simpler way of writing it is, I enclose details of your investments, as requested. Five: opt for verbs instead of nouns Verbs help to give sentences movement and life. So write, We will decide on our next steps on Monday, rather than A decision will be made on our next steps on Monday. The word decide is more powerful than decision. And the first sentence is also written in the active voice, so it is punchier. Six: keep sentences short and sweet Aim for your sentences to be a maximum of 20 words. If you make your sentences longer, its likely your readers will have trouble making sense of what you mean. Remember, clear language makes sound business sense. It sends out the message that you have nothing to hide and that your words are as transparent as your financial dealings. Robert Ashton is the Chief Executive of Emphasis.

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Recent Global Economic crisis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6000 words

Recent Global Economic crisis - Essay Example have stories to share with my off springs, whereby, I can tell them that I have seen the world economy booming as it has been over the past few years, and then see it moving down into deep recession somewhere from the mid of 2007. I seek tremendous interest in economy and economics, and this kind of a mega event is truly something that will not be forgotten in the books for a long time. My aspiration for this ‘mess’ comes from the times when I read about the Great Depression in various text books, saw pictures of those times, read analytics and various texts related to the strategies that led to it, how the affected and concerned people and groups tried formulating strategies to move out of the ‘mess’, the failing strategies, the successful strategies and so on. Other than that, what also aspired me was how nations fell into the ‘mess’ and how the magnitude of hit varied from nation to nation. Over all, that whole era was an aspiration to me, making me think how would I react under these circumstances as a common man, as a student, as a strategy formulator or even as a nation’s head. Though not a pleasant moment, but I have been given this chance to re-live the Great Depression and get a feel of things and how the difference can be made. Globalization: Globalization is the single variable that has turned the world into a global village, and merged the economies into a global economy. Thus, globalization is a critical concept while discussing the ‘messes. Conflict: Conflicts of interest and of thoughts and ideas is what actually leads to a ‘mess’ and this one is no exception. There is a big conflict of interest in the growing wealth of an individual vs. the growing wealth of a nation, as certain portion of the former has to be sacrificed as taxes for a nation, and as interest for banks to keep moving, as an example. National taxes are proportional to the wealth, but bank interest is similar to a clock that keeps ticking, irrespective of the

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Maple Syrup Urine Disease Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Maple Syrup Urine Disease - Essay Example This enzyme complex is composed of three catalytic components E1, E2, and E3 and two regulatory enzymes, BCKD phosphatase and BCKD kinase. The E1 component is further divided into two subunits, E1 and E1 (Bodamer, 2008). The defect in maple syrup urine disease lies in the E1, E1, E2, and E3 components (Fauci et al, 2008: 2472). In addition, E3 component is also associated with pyruvate dehydrogenase and -ketoglutarate dehydrogenase, thus, this defect in BCKD with specific mutation in E3 causes additional deficit in pyruvate and -ketoglutarate dehydrogenases (Bodamer, 2008). The catabolism of BCAAs involves the same enzymes in the first two steps (Laygo, 2007:28). The first enzyme utilized is BCAA aminotransferase which converts leucine, isoleucine and valine to their -ketoacids: -ketoisocaproic acid, -keto--methylvaleric acid, and -ketoisovaleric acid respectively. The branched-chain -ketoacid dehydrogenase complex catalyzes the decarboxylation of these -ketoacids so that they are degraded to short fatty acids, isovaleryl-CoA, -methylbutyryl-CoA and isobutyryl-CoA (Leucine mildly to moderately elevated). Further metabolism should yield acetyl-CoA, acetoacetate, and succinyl-CoA (Bodamer, 2008). Among the clinical manifestations of maple syrup urine disease are lethargy, vomiting, encephalopathy, seizures, mental retardation, "maple syrup" odor and protein intoleranc

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Shakespeares Hamlet - Claudius Essay -- GCSE English Literature Cours

Claudius of Shakespeare's Hamlet’s G. Wilson Knight in "The Embassy of Death" interprets the character of Claudius in Shakespeare’s Hamlet: Claudius, as he appears in the play, is not a criminal. He is - strange as it may seem - a good and gentle king, enmeshed by the chain of causality linking him with his crime. And this chain he might, perhaps, have broken except for Hamlet, and all would have been well. But, granted the presence of Hamlet - which Claudius at first genuinely desired, persuading him not to return to Wittenberg as he wished - and granted the fact of his original crime which cannot now be altered, Claudius cannot now be blamed for his later actions. They are forced on him. As King, he could scarcely be expected to do otherwise. (n. pag.) This essay, with the involvement of various literary critics, will consider Knight’s evaluation in light of others’, and will thoroughly delineate the character of King Claudius, show his place in the drama, and interpret his character. The drama opens after Hamlet has just returned from Wittenberg, England, where he has been a student. What brought him home was the news of his father’s death and his father’s brother’s quick accession to the throne of Denmark. Philip Burton in â€Å"Hamlet† discusses Claudius’ sudden rise to the Danish throne upon the death of King Hamlet I: The fact that Claudius has become king is not really surprising. Only late in the play does Hamlet complain that his uncle had "popped in between the election and my hopes." The country had been in a nervous state expecting an invasion by young Fortinbras, at the head of a lawless band of adventurers, in revenge for his father’s death at the hands of King Hamlet. A strong new king was immediat... ...Readings on The Tragedies. Ed. Clarice Swisher. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1996. Excerpted from Shakespeare’s Women. N.p.: n.p., 1981. Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 1995. Ward & Trent, et al. The Cambridge History of English and American Literature. New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1907–21; New York:, 2000 West, Rebecca. â€Å"A Court and World Infected by the Disease of Corruption.† Readings on Hamlet. Ed. Don Nardo. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1999. Rpt. from The Court and the Castle. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1957. Wilkie, Brian and James Hurt. â€Å"Shakespeare.† Literature of the Western World. Ed. Brian Wilkie and James Hurt. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1992.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Peace and order Essay

Maintenance of public order is a core function of governance. The Indian Constitution, while according a pre-eminent position for the fundamental rights of citizens, recognizes the importance of public order, by providing for legislation imposing reasonable restrictions in the interest of public order. Under the Constitution of India, the Union and the federating units, that is, the States have well-defined areas of responsibility. ‘Public Order’ and ‘Police’ are essentially the responsibilities of State Governments. However, the Central Government assists them by providing Central Paramilitary Forces (CPMFs) as and when required. The Administrative Reforms Commission is looking at ‘Public Order’ with a view to suggest a framework to strengthen administrative machinery to maintain public order conducive to social harmony and economic development. And also to build capacity for conflict resolution. ARC is looking into all aspects of the subject therefore the focus is on studying the causes of public disorder, how early symptoms of disorder should be detected and addressed well in time, what should be the role of various stakeholders in maintenance of public order, how the enforcement machinery should be made more effective to deal with public disorder. The Commission is examining the subject by focusing on its components namely causes of conflicts and their resolution, secondly the role of civil administration, media, society, Judiciary and NGOs in maintaining public order, and thirdly the role of police and the need for reforms. Accordingly each one of these is being discussed in great length in t hree separate workshops. In the first workshop which is being organized jointly with the Centre for Policy Research (CPR), the role of civil administration and other stakeholders would be discussed, in the second workshop, which is being organized jointly with CPR and the Kannada University the different types of conflicts in the Indian Society would be discussed, and in the third workshop being organized jointly with the National Police Academy the Role of Police would be discussed. The aim of the first workshop on public order is to identify the salient  lessons we can learn from a variety of experiences in dealing with public disorder. The workshop will help the ARC to think through some of the challenges posed for the maintenance of public order by the role of the four agencies namely the civil administration, the judicial interventions, the civil society and the media. How can these agencies be strengthened to make them promoters of a more humane public order? What are some of the difficulties that actors in these different domains face? What are some of the commonly leveled criticisms of these agencies? Do these criticisms need some administrative or legal response? What explains the success of failure of these agencies on some occasions. Although the focus of the workshop will be on reforms that can be implemented, this workshop would like to discuss these issues in the widest possible perspective so that new and innovative ideas can be countenanced. The main task of the workshop will be to identify problems and challenges in these domains, and to recommend possible solutions. The purpose of the second workshop that is on ‘Conflict resolution† is to (a) engage in free and frank discussions about the causes of conflicts in India, (b) arrive at some conclusion about the role and importance of different ethnic factors in the origin and continuance of these conflicts so that (c) fundamental solutions can be proposed to address the deep-rooted causes for the sustainable maintenance of public order. The emphasis will be on coming up with specific recommendations pertaining to administrative reform. Similarly the third workshop, which is being organized jointly with the National Police Academy, would focus on the role of police and police reforms.   Before I go into the role of various stakeholders, I would like to clarify the meaning of the word public order. Any violation of Law is a problem of Law and Order, but every such violation is not a case of disturbance of public order. The dividing line between ‘Public order’ and ‘Law and Order’ is very thin. The Apex Court has explained the concept of public order.   It is the potentiality of an act to disturb the even tempo of the life of the community which makes it â€Å"prejudicial to the maintenance of public order†. If the contravention in its effect is confined only to a few  individuals directly involved, as distinct from a wide spectrum of public, it would raise the problem of â€Å"law and order† only. It is the potentiality of the act to disturb the even tempo of the life of t he community which makes it â€Å"prejudicial to the maintenance of public order†. Importance of maintaining public order: India today is poised to emerge as a global economic power with all its high growth rate of economy and all-round economic development. For realizing our legitimate aspirations of economic development, it is essential that the problems of peace and order are managed efficiently in the country. No developmental activity is possible in an environment of insecurity and disorder. Failure to manage the multifarious problems arising out of violent conflicts based on religious, caste, ethnic, regional or any other disputes, can lead to unstable and chaotic conditions. Such conditions not only militate against realization of our economic dream, but also would jeopardize our survival as a vibrant democracy. We have to look at the problem of public order management and the role of law enforcement in that regard, in this perspective. We should not forget that it is the weaker sections which suffer the most in any public disorder. Whose responsibility is to maintain public order-role of civil administration: Undoubtedly, it is the role of the police, as the principal law enforcement agency to preserve public order. The magistracy and the judiciary also have a vital role in preserving public order. But there are other agencies within the governmental set up which have to contribute towards preserving public order. It is the police which bears the brunt of violations of the Laws and also the ensuing violence. But in a large number of addressing the root cause is much beyond their purview. The case of recent demolitions in Delhi is an example. The main cause there has been the non enforcement of the building regulations by the officials who were entrusted this task. Another example is the ‘Ulhasnagar demolitions’. If one looks at the causes of public disorder, there are a host of reasons. These may be broadly classified into socio-economic, political, historical  and administrative. I am not going into the details of each one of these but I would like to highlight that a large number of public disorders have administrative reasons as their root cause. Therefore we have to bring in change in our mindset. Our response to public disorder should commence at the very initial stage, and it is here that the role of entire civil administration including both regulatory and developmental becomes important. The period after independence has seen a tremendous increase in spread of education and alongside has increased the awareness among the people and so also the aspirations. And when these aspirations are not met, tensions prevail within the society, which if not redressed have the potential of erupting as a problem of public disorder. Increasingly, and rightly so, administration is not being perceived as a ruling class. People are realizing that they are service providers. The administration must also realize this role. Wrong doings of administration, which in the past may have got muted acceptance, are no longer being tolerated by the civil society. We have to provide an administration which is fair, objective and transparent. How to achieve this is a challenge before us. Role of the Judiciary: Access to justice is fundamental to the ‘Rule of Law†. If the citizens feel that access to justice is delayed or is not effective, they get alienated. If they feel that punishment is meted out to the wrong doers only in a few cases, they have a tendency to disassociate them with the judicial process and stop taking interest as a complainant, a witness or a pancha. Sometimes a landlord looking to get a recalcitrant tenant out, a tenant seeking protection from an avaricious landlord, families involved in property disputes, start by thinking that gangsters (goondas) can settle their problems which the courts are going to take ages to do. If this becomes common, criminality will be a substitute for ‘Rule of Law’. We have to ensure that we do not reach such a precarious situation. Criminals should be intimidated by what Shakespeare called â€Å"The awful majesty of the law†, other wise they will become a law unto themselves. Various Law Commissions  have suggested reforms in the criminal and civil justice administration system, which need to be acted upon. Role of the media: The importance of a free press, for a healthy democracy cannot be overemphasized. More importantly, it is a sort of check and balance that keeps the authorities on their toes on the one hand and a type of mirror that enables people in authority to get a continuous reality check, on the other. This remains an important role for the media, despite the increasing pressures of commercialization. The fact that democratic India could avoid famines, Amartya Sen has suggested, was almost entirely due to the role of the media in sensitizing authorities to the urgency of providing relief. Indeed our free and energetic media is, in fact, our best early warning system. But what is essential is that the media should play a responsible role. It has been observed that at times, a part of the media has not been quite objective in their reporting. Sometimes the media also plays a role in spreading prejudices, as they needless to say, are more interested in sensational news than sensible constructive news. We may deliberate as to how the potential of media can be tapped in maintaining public order. Role of the Society, NGOs: A democratic society cannot function properly if everything in it is left only to the State or even to statutory bodies. Because of the increasing complexities of societies everything cannot be taken care of by the Governmental institutions. The gap has to be filled up by the civil society. Government intervention itself will be in fructuous if it is not underpinned by voluntary action. Moreover the exercise of political power through civil society opens the way for democracy in real sense of the term. Civil society consists of open and secular institutions that mediate between the citizen and the State. In the absence of civil society, the State machinery and civil servants becomes the dominant and the only repository of power. The modern idea of civil government requires emergence  of civil society which would make people self-reliant rather than remain dependent on State institutions. Participation by the civil society makes the citizens active agents instead of becoming merely passive recipients of welfare. We, especially in the government need to realize that in a healthy growth model of a free democratic society, the Government is just one of the participants. The Government exists as one of the servitors in the service of the society. Indeed the awareness that government alone can neither solve all the problems of the society nor it is the only crucial actor in addressing major societal issues has dictated the need to look beyond Government. Interdependence and need to find solutions to societal problems call for greater collaboration between the government and civil society. A large number of Non Governmental organizations (NGOs) are working in the developmental fields. But the number of such NGOs dedicating themselves to preservation of public order is limited. We can perhaps learn from experiences of some of these NGOs and recommend measures to pave the way for their greater involvement. Role of the Police: I should have taken up the role of police first, as they are the main actors in this process. But as I have mentioned that we will be discussing this issue at great length in the third workshop, which we are organizing at the National Police Academy. But I would suggest that aspects of police administration which require interaction with other governmental agencies and stakeholders may be discussed in this workshop. Conclusion: Development and security are truly mutually inter-related. We need therefore, to evolve a combined strategy to deal simultaneously with the twin challenges of development and security within the framework of a democratic polity committed to respect for all fundamental human freedoms and also committed to upholding the rule of law. Internal conflict management is the key to the success of participative democracy, strengthening national  solidarity and cohesion and firming up the nation’s resolve and capability to meet any external threats to its security and territorial integrity. The deficiencies in this vital area need to be plugged through judicial and police reforms, better citizen participation in governance, transparency and more effective and integrated approach to public order maintenance. Violations of public order, given their socio-economic, political and administrative causes demand a concerted response from different wings of the civil administration. When this is done at the nascent stage itself, minor discords can be prevented from turning into major public disorders. The challenge lies in institutionalizing a mechanism so that all wings of the civil administration as well as other stakeholders work in a coordinated fashion. I hope that these two workshops would be able to come up with substantial recommendations for a framework and a roadmap for maintaining public order.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Greece s Influence On The Western World - 984 Words

Ancient Greece was a nation settled on the Balkan Peninsula. The first group of Greeks most likely moved in from the north about four thousand years ago. As more arrived the population and city spread in a great amount and after a few hundred years they were the most powerful group in the region. Greece has influenced in many ways to help the western world. The Ancient Greeks were different from their neighbors in two major ways: they spoke in a different language, and they had a religion based on many different Gods and Goddesses. They also had a different alphabet than all of their neighbors on the Balkan Peninsula. Greece eventually became a great and wealthy kingdom yet the richest kingdoms was the Mycenaean period. The Greeks had made a great fortune on the pottery the could make and their architecture for the buildings they made. Greece had many city-states that were independently governed by different rulers, but the most well-known city-states were Athens and Sparta. These tw o city-states were involved in a series of wars against the Persians, but after defeating the Persians the two city-states eventually started a war against each other known as the Peloponnesian war. These two city-states had almost nothing in common. While Athens was a city-state based more on democracy and government, Sparta was a city-state based mostly on warrior life and battle. Sparta was so much of a war city-state that if a male child was born with any type of birth defect, the councilShow MoreRelated Greek And Roman Influence On Western Civilization Essay581 Words   |  3 Pages Western civilization is what we call modern society that mainly includes North America and Western Europe. But how did this western way of life come to be? Their are many different ways but mainly through ancient cultures. The two main ones are the Greek and Roman. Greece with their golden age and Rome with its great Empire and Republic and also together. 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